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Understanding the acronyms, definitions, and processes of Special Education can be overwhelming. This webinar is an overview of the most commonly used terms, Special Education laws, and programs. It will give you a general understanding of Special Education. More
Starts Starts: 8/5/2024 9:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Credits Credits: 4 Inservice Points and 1 Credit Type
Location Location:
Status Status: 98 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 100 seats
LessonPix (SWD)
Learn to utilize LessonPix to create visual supports to help differentiate instruction and to support struggling learners and students with identified disabilities in the areas of comprehension, communication, behavior, organization, and participation in school and home routines. More
Starts Starts: 8/5/2024 12:00 PM
Sessions Session: 1
Credits Credits: 10 Inservice Points and 3 Credit Type
Location Location:
Status Status: 21 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 30 seats
Participants will learn to use the Universal Design for Learning framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all students based on scientific insights into how humans learn. More
Starts Starts: 8/5/2024 8:30 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Credits Credits: 4 Inservice Points and 1 Credit Type
Location Location:
Status Status: 96 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 100 seats
Participants will learn and implement a variety of strategies shown to increase student engagement and motivation. Participants will use the latest research to develop an action plan for use with students. More
Starts Starts: 8/5/2024 8:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Credits Credits: 6 Inservice Points and 1 Credit Type
Location Location:
Status Status: 23 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 25 seats
Technology to Support Student Accommodations (SWD)
Learn how to use a variety of accessibility tools to provide the accommodations described on a student's Individual Education Plan. These tools can be used to provided needed supports for students on all tiers. More
Starts Starts: 8/6/2024 9:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Credits Credits: 8 Inservice Points and 3 Credit Type
Location Location:
Status Status: 15 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 20 seats
Developing an Individualized Education Plan
Participants will learn how to write Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs) that include state standards, meets compliance requirements and meets individual student needs. More
Starts Starts: 8/21/2024 8:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Credits Credits: 12 Inservice Points and 1 Credit Type
Location Location:
Status Status: 17 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 25 seats
Learn the difference between accommodations and modifications and how to use them in the classroom and with assessments in order to meet the diverse learning needs of students according to their individual education plan (IEP) or 504 plan. More
Starts Starts: 8/22/2024 8:30 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Credits Credits: 12 Inservice Points and 1 Credit Type
Location Location:
Status Status: 18 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 20 seats
Learn how to make the necessary changes to your instruction in order to reach every student where they are and to guide them to an understanding of the skills and concepts you want them to learn. Our students are not all the same, so we cannot expect that teaching a lesson in one way will reach every student. More
Starts Starts: 8/27/2024 9:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Credits Credits: 14 Inservice Points and 3 Credit Type
Location Location:
Status Status: 14 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 20 seats
Classroom Management

Join us for a professional learning opportunity to gain knowledge in implementing strategies that will reduce problem behaviors in the classroom. Participants will understand and be able to utilize 5 essential classroom practices to maximize structure, teach expectations and routines, increase student engagement, acknowledge appropriate behavior, and respond to inappropriate behavior.

Starts Starts: 8/29/2024 9:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Credits Credits: 12 Inservice Points and 1 Credit Type
Location Location:
Status Status: 5 wait spaces available
Class Size Class size: 21 seats
LessonPix (SWD)
Learn to utilize LessonPix to create visual supports to help differentiate instruction and to support struggling learners and students with identified disabilities in the areas of comprehension, communication, behavior, organization, and participation in school and home routines. More
Starts Starts: 9/4/2024 12:00 PM
Sessions Session: 1
Credits Credits: 10 Inservice Points and 3 Credit Type
Location Location:
Status Status: 25 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 30 seats
Developing an Individualized Education Plan
Participants will learn how to write Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs) that include state standards, meets compliance requirements and meets individual student needs. More
Starts Starts: 9/10/2024 8:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Credits Credits: 12 Inservice Points and 1 Credit Type
Location Location:
Status Status: 24 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 25 seats
Making Reading Instruction Explicit (SWD)
This course enables educators to develop, increase and demonstrate knowledge about using the guidelines for differentiation and strategies that support differentiation to improve instruction for all students, especially students with persistent or significant reading difficulties. Emphasis is on the instructional design principles and teacher delivery methods that can be applied to increase the explicitness and intensity of language arts instruction in order to achieve optimal results for students who are challenged by learning to read or reading to learn. More
Starts Starts: 9/11/2024 9:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Credits Credits: 14 Inservice Points and 3 Credit Type
Location Location:
Status Status: 18 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 20 seats
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